June 2023 Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call: June 13, 2023 9:00 a.m.

Board Members Present: Scott Vanderlin, Todd Hillmer, Jill Meyer, Philip Johnson, Clare Willis, Lucy Robbins, Mandy Lee

Board Members Absent: none

Guests: none

Significant Actions:

  1. President Mandy Lee called the meeting to order at 9:01am
  2. The agenda was approved.  No items were added to Old Business/New Business.
  3. The Secretary’s minutes for May were approved.
  4. Treasurer’s Report  
    1. Financial Report
      1. Checking account balance as of June 13, 2023: $15,576.52
      2. CD account balance as of June 13, 2023: $20,870.13
      3. Membership numbers to date: 213
    2. Past-President Scott Vanderlin suggested that the chair of the Membership Committee should have their name on communications from Neon, our membership management program, because Scott is unable to troubleshoot problems with renewals.
  5. Old Business
    1. Committee Annual Reports – Mandy asked all members to remind committee chairs to submit ASAP; June 1 was deadline.  Committees should submit to Scott, Mandy, and the Bulletin Committee.  The current best contact for the Bulletin Committee is outgoing chair Matt Timko.
    2. Committee Liaison Assignments – In addition to the list of committee liaisons in the May minutes, Vice-President Philip Johnson will be liaison to the Public Relations committee.  Director Lucy Robbins will be liaison to the Placement and Recruitment committee.  All Board members present discussed potential committee chairs and members.
    3. AALL Annual Meeting Activities
      1. CONELL Marketplace – Saturday, July 15 – Scott RSVP’ed; Mandy will represent CALL at the event.
      2. Poster/Display Board in Activities Area – Scott RSVP’ed; will create poster; Scott and/or Mandy will set up at the event.
    4. Race Judicata – The race is August 31st and payments are due 8/25.  Mandy reported that Carrie Port offered to coordinate CALL’s participation.  The Board discussed whether CALL would subsidize registration and/or have an official team.  It was resolved to have Carrie research having a CALL team.  The issue of whether CALL would pay for all or part of a registration fee was tabled for now.
    5. Website – tech committee?  Mandy started a discussion about how to fix the current CALL website and set it up for ease of updating in the future.
      She asked the Board to consider whether a website committee might be able to handle this task.  Noting that a large problem with the current website relates to storage of files, Mandy shared a list of the files that are stuck somewhere on our current website and would need to be migrated.  Clare suggested that the Board agree on categories of files and see if there are other ways to recover the files.  For example, Board meeting minutes can be recovered from the Secretary’s portable hard drive.
      Scott opined that CALL should have a simple new website on a platform that anyone can use.  He agreed with a suggestion made to Mandy that a third party should be hired for this work.  Secretary Clare Willis offered that a library school student might take on the project.  Scott opined that a library student’s work would take too long and would not be high-quality enough.  The Board agreed that Scott should investigate the cost of hiring a professional.  Mandy noted that June 2024 is our goal for a new CALL website.
    6. Media club?  Mandy wished to revisit the idea of a CALL media club because there had been some interest and Director Jill Meyer had been given “The Personal Librarian” as a book suggestion.  Mandy noted that Carrie Port expressed interest in having this and other social events.  Scott suggested that Carrie be appointed to take care of planning these events.  Clare opined that Carrie should do this work as co-chair or at least a member of the Meetings Committee.  Jill suggested that it could be part of Meetings for now but that the Mentorship Committee or Diversity and Inclusion Committee could have events as well.
  6. New Business 
    1. Illinois Secretary of StateCALL registration renewal due in August
      1. The Board resolved to change our registered agent from Lindsey Carpino to Philip (see appendix to these minutes).  Clare noted that Treasurer Todd Hillmer would need to write a check for $5.
      2. Once the registered agent is changed, CALL will file an annual report.  For this annual report, Clare needs the home addresses of all Board members.  Clare also asked Todd for a $10 check to cover this fee.
    2. Committee Chair Summit/Training in September— Scott reported that last year’s event was a success.  Mandy noted that earlier in the year is better.
    3. Events for year (see V. Old Business, f. above)
    4. Business Meeting Dates —  There was a brief discussion about whether to continue changing the day of the week for every business meeting.  Philip offered to work on possible dates with the Meetings committee and circulate those to the Board.
    5. Continuing Education program ideas? Mandy asked any Board members who have ideas for Continuing Ed programs to contact her directly.
  7. Committee Reports: There were no committee reports.
  8. Announcements: There were no announcements.
  9. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:00am.