Conference Call
February 14, 2023 9:04 a.m.
Board Members Present: Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, Jill Meyer, Carrie Port, Jamie Sommers, and Todd Hillmer
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: None
Significant Actions:
- Call meeting to order – President Scott Vanderlin called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
- Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.
- Approve Secretary’s minutes – The January meeting minutes were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Harris Balances as of February 1,2023: $20,867.56 in our CD and $18,088.17 in checking.
- Membership numbers: 216 current total members.
- Old Business
- CALL Committee Summit Follow-up
- Archives
- DropBox account – Mandy set it up and will e-mail the password to the board. Anyone who has anything relevant should upload it to the account.
- Bulletin
- Mandy created a schedule of committees and the month they should contribute. This was done by quarter with 3 or 4 committees contributing each quarter. Mandy will circulate the proposed schedule for people to comment.
- Community Service
- Previous Event – Food Drive January 21, 2023. Successful. 6 CALL members & 2 guests. Mandy will ask Mike McMillan to write a Bulletin article.
- Next event is on March 11, 2023. Cradles to Crayons.
- Continuing Education
- Mini-AALL – CE Committee – will be asked to set a Wednesday date in June
- Diversity and Inclusion
- DEI proposal on layout of DEI section of website is coming.
- Follow up with the DEI plan to work with other CALL committees on how to improve DEI.
- PR
- PR Discord server roll-out announcement ready for Mandy/Scott to send out?
- March in-person happy hour
- Date: Tuesday March 21, 2023
- Location: Beatrix 155 N Wacker – Carrie checked on availability. Space for 20 people max.
- Sponsor: Trellis. Wants to know how much they need to contribute? and if they can send handouts? Should ask Trellis for about $1,500. They can have flyers and a notice saying they can
- Reservation Deadline:
- Cost Per Call Member: $10 proposed to make sure people who sign up come, but Carrie thinks it should be free for members. Want to encourage people to come. It was decided to make it free.
- Announcements & Registration – have meetings set is up.
- New Business
- CALL website – Handbook & bylaws – files not found. Emily Barney changed something and there have been issues fixing. Need to follow up with her to get it fixed and also any other WordPress issues. Carrie offered to try to fix the issue and the board said fine, she could try to do that.
- MLDC informal meet and greet at the Revival Food Hall at the end of this month (2/28 @8am) and a more structured zoom event at the end of next month (3/27 @9am). All Board members welcome at both.
- funding for 2/28 in person event $50 for coffee and food, for Diana Koppang (who will be “hosting” the in-person event) to pick up orders and we will reimburse her if she turns in the receipts.
- Visit from AALL Exec Board member. It is one less speaker. Turn it over to the next VP to coordinate if we are on the schedule and it works with our timeline.
- Committee Reports :
- Archives: Todd – Nothing to report. Tom is on leave until May.
- Bulletin: Sarah – The next issue should be out by Friday of this week. There have been some issues with WordPress and the slate of candidates working for some people. Matt is reaching out to Rachel Ford to see if she can help, but this may be something the board may need to help with in the future. The committee got two additional Bulletin members: Rachel Ford at NIU and Shannon Conder at Chicago-Kent.
- Bylaws Todd Nothing to report
- Community Service: Carrie – Covered in old business
- Continuing Education: Todd –State court docket program will not have any vendors involved. Panels discussion in the works with a civil rights attorney.
- Corporate Memory: Sarah – Nothing to report
- Diversity & Inclusion: Scott – Covered in old business
- Government Relations Mandy–.AALL is soliciting nominations for the GRC awards. Nominations are due March 1, 2023
- Grants & Chapter Awards- Jamie – Nothing to report
- Meetings: Jill – Testing Zoom this week to make sure it is working for the meeting.
- Membership: Mandy -Nothing to report
- Mentorship: Mandy – See new business
- Nominations & Elections: Scott – Nothing to report
- Placement/Recruitment Carrie – Nothing to report
- Public Relations: Jamie – Discord rollout. Who wants to roll this out? Jessie to draft and Mandy to send out.
- Announcements –No announcements.
- Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:39 a.m.