Conference Call
April 11, 2023 9:02 a.m.
Board Members Present: Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, Jill Meyer, Carrie Port, Jamie Sommers, and Todd Hillmer
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: None
Significant Actions:
- Call meeting to order – President Scott Vanderlin called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m.
- Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.
- Approve Secretary’s minutes – The March minutes were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Harris Balances as of April 1,2023: $20,867.56 in our CD and $18,767.65 in checking.
- Membership numbers: 216 current total members.
- Old Business
- CALL website – Handbook & bylaws – Update (Mandy).Emily thinks we should not move over to a totally new website as it is a huge headache. Issue is where old files are stored. Best idea currently is to move the files to Google drive and replace the old link. Probably a good idea to form a committee dedicated to managing the website. PR used to handle, but they are more marketing now. Want to move it to a site that people without special skills can update the page. Having a more flexible site might be easier to maintain and update in the long term. Maybe form the committee fairly soon to help guide these discussions. Hopefully that contains someone who has experience with out of the box websites. Current situation is hard to manage as it can be difficult to communicate as people are busy, so a committee would give more people to contact and do the work. Might be a good way to engage more of the members, hopefully younger members. Will announce the new committee in the May meeting and will also ask for volunteers. Mandy will talk to Emily about the plans.
- Beatrix Happy Hour – recap – About 20 people showed up throughout the event. Trellis is still considering sponsoring the May meeting. Hit our required money spend without going to far over. Should have something written up for the Bulletin and Mandy will submit her photos from this event and the volunteer event. ARPA is having a happy hour from 4-6 and the question was raised as to if this is a better time – consensus is that 5 for a start time is better.
- New Business
- CALL Lifetime Memberships – Mandy had a conversation with Scott Burgh at the happy hour where he suggested a Lifetime Membership. AALL has a retired member, but it is annual. ALA has a lifetime membership based on age. Scott Vanderlin is going to talk to Scott Burgh to get more details on what he was thinking. Would this only be for retired members or for members at any stage? Probably only makes sense for retirees and it would be an administrative headache to set up and it is already hard to raise the due. Adding another level would make it even harder. Something to keep in mind if the need for a capital drive comes up. Probably a good idea to consider looking a raising dues again. Been a long time. Probably would not be much pushback.
- Committee Reports :
- Archives: Todd – Nothing to report. Tom is on leave until May.
- Bulletin: Sarah – Nothing to report
- Bylaws Todd – Nothing to report but they were asked to write something for the bulletin and what is the deadline?
- Community Service: Carrie –.Working on an event with the CPD and it has been having issues communicating so they are looking at doing a similar event with the Chicago River organization. Eugene Field park is one of the locations. It will now be Saturday 5.13.2023. Hoping to announce at the meeting. The charity is Books for Women in Prison.
- Continuing Education: Todd –Tomorrow is the panel program with the civil rights attorneys. Have a docketing program in May and a Mini AALL in June.
- Corporate Memory: Sarah – Nothing to report
- Diversity & Inclusion: Scott – Nothing to report
- Government Relations Mandy–.AALL GRC is meeting in May and this will inform their plans.
- Grants & Chapter Awards- Jamie – Jackie Norton got a grant last year and was not able to go so Todd should cut her a check for this year. No applications for this year. No nominations for the chapter awards either.
- Meetings – Jill – Osteria via Stato on Tuesday May 15th is the next meeting. Want us to increase the costs to $27 from $25. Makes sense to roll it into the messaging for dues increase. So wait until then but make sure it is in place for the Fall meeting.
- Membership – Jill – Nothing
- Mentorship: Mandy – Nothing to report but should Mentorship be more of a social committee? Brandi is onboard. Problem is that is focused on newer members and have it be more of a network committee Maybe just revamp the charge to emphasis leadership and add networking.
- Nominations & Elections: Scott – Elections went off fine. New members will be invited to the next meeting.
- Placement/Recruitment Carrie – Reached out to various library schools, but no final update.
- Public Relations: Jamie – There is an admin password that will be shared with board members that need it.
- Announcements – No announcement.
- Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:53 a.m.