Board Members Present: Jamie Sommer, Scott Vanderlin, Tom Keefe, Lindsey Carpino, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, and Carrie Port
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: Jill Meyer, Phillip Johnson, and Joe Mitzenmacher called in for parts of the meeting.
Significant Actions:
I. Call meeting to order – President Jamie Sommer called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.
II. Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.
III. Approve Secretary’s minutes – The August meeting minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Harris Balance as of September 1,2021 $20,851.87 – in our CD and about in $17,353.41 checking. $1,370 revenue, $34 in expenses.
b. Membership numbers: 202 active members:
175 full
23 retired
4 students
V. Old Business
a. October Trivia Event: The committee would like to hold a Halloween themed trivia contest hosted by Trivia Hub Live at a cost of $449. Looking at October 26th as the possible date. This would cover between 29-75 people. The earlier trivia event had 34 people RSVP. CALL would host our own Zoom social event before the meeting. Scott is going to check on vendor support. Jamie suggested reaching out to Blythe McCoy from Thomson Reuters. Scott will do that. The board approved the $449 expense.
VI. New Business
a. AALL Council of Chapter Presidents/SIS Quarterly Meeting Recap – Lindsey. Talked about how to increase membership and retention. One idea was a one-year check-in for new members. In a remote environment how do you connect with new members? Jamie is going to talk to the membership committee for a list of new members in the last year.
b. Canva subscription for PR Committee – Scott. The committee is excited to get going to promote CALL. The committee is requesting that the board approve the purchase of a Canva Pro account to help improve the quality of CALL communications. The cost would be $12.99 per month or $119.00 annually. Scott is not sure what the difference is between paid and full, but is just bringing up their request. Jamie uses the free version and likes it. Jamie is thinking maybe it allows for more collaboration. Scott will ask for justification as to why they need it.
c. September Committee Chair visits/call-ins
i. 9:20 am Meetings – Jill Meyer & Philip Johnson – both called in. Phillip said we have 53 people currently registered for the Fall meeting. Jill indicated that we will swap out the Happy Hour in October for the trivia event. No problems or concerns from the committee. Jamie indicated that now November is probably going to be virtual as well given the state of COVID. Jamie asked if there are plans to start up a book club/film club? Jill asked if they should be planning more of these kinds of events. Having guest facilitators is a good idea. Just let them run with what they want to do. Pick a book or movie and let them do it.
ii. 9:40 am Continuing Ed – Joe Mitzenmacher. Have an event coming up on the 29th and then the FBI in October 13th, and then in November they have a program with the authors of Sneaker Law. It was helpful to have leftover programming from last year and think this is a good idea to continue to do in the future. Some other ideas for the upcoming year include presenting at AALL and are asking for other ideas. Joe thinks Zoom has been helpful in getting people to attend. All they need from the board at the moment is ideas.
d. Remaining Committee Chair visits/call-ins schedule
i. October: Membership, Mentorship, Community Service
ii. November: Placement & Recruitment, Public relations, Nominations & Elections
iii. December: Gov Relations, Grants & Chapter Awards, Strategic Planning
iv. January: Archives, Bylaws, Corporate Memory
VII. Committee Reports
a. Archives – No updates – COVID is still keeping them apart.
b. Bulletin – Sarah – The bulletin is almost done. All articles are ready. They are just working on finishing up editing and putting together the issue. They are hoping to have it out shortly.
c. Bylaws – Jamie – No updates
d. Community Service – Carrie – Not tracking donations. Donations for the meei October 9th is the clean-up date for the day of service. On NEON now for sign up. They are ok with a lower turn-out. Will be announced at the meeting.
e. Continuing Education – Tom – No additional updates
f. Corporate Memory – Sarah – Theresa had nothing new to report.
g. Government Relations – Mandy –.Sarah Reese is checking to see if any other Chapters are doing anything interesting for ideas.
h. Grants & Chapter Awards – Lindsey – No updates
i. Meetings – Scott – no additional updates.
j. Membership – Lindsey – Committee would like help getting news about members out. Could the board encourage the PR committee to get the news out. Board feels the PR committee is doing a good job and getting membership news out is not part of the membership committee charge.
k. Mentorship – Mandy – Planning virtual new member breakfast; Update CALL website, maybe assign a new mentor automatically for new members, host a meeting on adaptable leadership, want to focus on wellness, maybe do a regular column in the bulletin.
l. Nominations & Elections – Jamie – Call for nominations is currently open. Please reach out to the committee with your ideas for nominations.
m. Placement/Recruitment – Carrie – No updates
n. Public Relations – Scott – No additional updates
o. Strategic Planning – Carrie – Going to have a meeting soon.
VIII. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:51 a.m.