Board Members Present: Jamie Sommer, Scott Vanderlin, Tom Keefe, Lindsey Carpino, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, and Carrie Port
Board Members Absent: None- Tom Joined late at 9:10
Guests: Stacia Stein, Clare Willis, Lisa Winkler called in for part of the meeting
Significant Actions:
I. Call meeting to order – President Jamie Sommer called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.
II. Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.
III. Approve Secretary’s minutes – The September meeting minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Harris Balance as of October 1,2021 $20,851.87 – in our CD and about in $17,488.15, checking. CD has not changed.
b. Membership numbers: 213 active members.
V. Old Business
a. Canva subscription for PR Committee – Scott – He asked them the questions as to why they needed Canva Pro and they said they would get back to the Board eventually with the answers.
b. October Trivia Event: Prizes, Vendor sponsorship – Scott – Blythe McCoy from Thompson Reuters is interested in sponsoring and is sending gift cards and nice swag (blankets, etc). Next sign-up e-mail will mention this sponsorship. Had 8 or so sign up early.
VI. New Business
a. September Committee Chair visits/call-ins
i. 9:20 am Mentorship – Stacia Stein – Stacia said all was going well and everyone is motivated. She asked some questions like how can she update the website. Emily Barney will give her editing credentials. Hoping to do new programs and a breakfast. What is the approval process? Reach out to Mandy for any expense requests and to run by ideas for any programs for conflicts. Ideas include adaptive leadership and working on figuring out the mentoring signup process. Talking about developing something called CALL Connect. Trying to get more mentees rather than mentors. Also thinking about a regular column for the Bulletin.
ii. 9:30 am Membership – Claire Willis – Going to be updating the listserv – deleting people who are not members. There are 73 entries on the delete list. Some duplicate e-mail addresses. Not been done systematically regularly. Looking to make this a regular annual task. Provided a membership numbers report. It is hard to make sure that people are getting the Neon e-mails because of spam filters, but trying multiple kinds of e-mails from different places. Trying authority control for the directory. Want to me able to sort by institution. Going to add a pdf version of the directory too if possible, although there are issues like it going out of date too quickly. If it is possible to get the directory to do a search by institution then probably not needed. If not then maybe it would be necessary and could be updated annually. People would prefer the electronic version. Julie is reaching out to people who posted jobs to see if they were filled. Some jobs not getting filled. Using the new hires are a possible recruit. Considering doing a membership engagement survey – checking with people who left to see why they left and if they would come back. Neon has problems, but always works out in the end.
iii. 9:45 Community Service – Lisa Winkler – Had a good event cleaning up the beach on October 9th. 8 people turned out. Nice weather. Is going to write up something for the Bulletin. Thinking about doing a food bank service day on December 4th in the afternoon (1-3:45) Going to have an online platform so you can donate virtually. Going to work with meetings to coordinate with the speaker for the meetings and their interest. Also going to check with the board in the future as to conflicts. Looking to alternate inside and outside events if possible. Just depends on pandemic situation and what people seem to be up to doing.
b. Remaining Committee Chair visits/call-ins schedule
i. November: Placement & Recruitment, Public relations, Nominations & Elections
ii. December: Gov Relations, Grants & Chapter Awards, Strategic Planning
iii. January: Archives, Bylaws, Corporate Memory
VII. Committee Reports
a. Archives – Tom – No updates
b. Bulletin – Sarah – No updates. Reached out and heard nothing back.
c. Bylaws – Jamie – No updates
d. Community Service – Carrie – Information provided by Lisa Winkler in her update.
e. Continuing Education – Tom -the committee have a program tomorrow and the AMPC one is next week and then the following month they have one on sneaker law. Do not need anything from the Board.
f. Corporate Memory – Sarah – No updates
g. Government Relations – Mandy –. No updates
h. Grants & Chapter Awards – Lindsey – No updates
i. Meetings – Scott – Phillip is sending out trivia announcements, sent out survey after the last meeting because of the different format. Survey was not helpful in that area. 14 people filled it out and were positive, but no written helpful feedback. No speaker yet for November meeting.
j. Membership – Lindsey – Information provided by Claire in her call in update
k. Mentorship – Mandy – Information provided by Stacia Stein in her update
l. Nominations & Elections – Jamie – No updates
m. Placement/Recruitment – Carrie – Planning first committee meeting
n. Public Relations – Scott – No additional updates
o. Strategic Planning – Carrie –.No updates. Planning first meeting
VIII. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:57 a.m.