The 2015-2016 Membership Committee was Therese Clarke Arado and Annie Mentkowski (co-charis), Christine Klobucar, and Jeff Meyerowitz.
As of May 31, 2016, CALL had 256 members. This is a very slight increase over the previous year.
The CALL Directory was produced twice this year, once in November and once in May. Corrections and updates are made by the Membership Committee. Then the update is posted by the Internet Committee on CALL’s website. In the 2016-2017 year we hope to get into a regular update cycle as the membership renewals and directory are moving to Wild Apricot.
Before each update, the Committee sent out an e-mail via the listserv asking the membership to check for any changes or corrections. For now changes and updates will still be made by the Membership Committee, but it may be possible in the future to permit members to update information on their own.
The Membership Committee maintains a binder of the photo and social networking release forms in hard copy. The Committee worked with the Internet Committee to ensure a complete list of permissions was available.
As of the writing of this report the 2016-2017 renewals have not gone out. We are in the process of creating the online renewal form.
We will continue to work with the Treasurer throughout the year to receive membership information. We will also work to improve communication with the Mentorship and Leadership Development Committee.