CALL at AALL 2016

Not surprisingly, CALL members had a very strong presence in the programming at the AALL Annual Meeting this year. The following charts collect the presentations that CALL members participated in. Links direct to the program information pages, which provide links to program recordings and/or handouts where available.


11:30 The Power of Legal Analytics – Delivering Advantages in Marketing, Competitive Intelligence, and Successful Client Pitches Diana Koppang (Coordinator)
2:30 Deep Dive: Hooking the CI White Whale: Advanced Analytics in a CI Report Jerry Burch, Julie Swanson, Julie Pabarja (Coordinator)


9:45 Negotiate with Confidence Heidi Kuehl
9:45 #noscript: Using Recordings to Save Time and Improve Learning Debbie Ginsberg
9:45 Developing a Business/Corporate Legal Research Course Without Ever Having Billed an Hour Vanessa Nelson Meihaus (and former CALL member Joe Noel)
11:15 Creating New Futures: Conversations on Career Transitions Heidi Kuehl
11:15 How to Create a Positive Culture in Your Law Library (Whether or Not You’re a Manager) Gretchen Van Dam, Trezlen Drake (Coordinator)
2:00 Scaling Initiatives into Larger Services Emily Barney, Clare Gaynor-Willis (Coordinator, Moderator, and Speaker)
2:00 “Just Give Me What I Need”: Driving Data Through Dashboards Julie Pabarja (Coordinator)
3:00 Host City History Round Table Scott Burgh


8:30 Who Owns This? Researching Copyright Status and Ownership Carolyn Hersch
11:00 Contract Review: Considering the Vendor Relationship and Key Terms Ramsey Donnell
11:00 Innovations in Teaching with Technology Debbie Ginsberg