The CALL Committee Round-Up is a CALL Bulletin featured column where all of our committees provide an update for us each issue to let us know what they are working on.
Archives Committee:
Co-Chairs: Therese Arado and Annie Mentkowski
Member: Sharon Nelson
[No update]
Bulletin Committee:
Co-Chairs: Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Scott Vanderlin, and Lindsey Ann Carpino
Members: Emily Barney, Debbie Ginsberg, Juanita Harrell, Philip Johnson, Annie Mentkowski, Jill Meyer, Stacia Stein, Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, LeighAnne Thompson, Donna Tuke.
The CALL Bulletin Committee co-chairs would like to thank Matthew Timko and Sharon Nelson for guess-editing the Winter 2016 “Chicago International” themed issue. We appreciate all of your hard work in making that issue one to remember! We would also like to thank Stacia Stein for continuing to update us on library school in her regular column, LeighAnne Thompson for bringing back the “Whatever Happened To…” column, and Juanita Harrell for updating us on the happenings of court librarianship! We could not produce award-winning content without the contributions of our members’ writings. Thank you all.
Bylaws Committee:
Chair: Deborah L. Rusin
[No update]
Community Service Committee:
Co-Chairs: Julie Swanson and Lucy Robbins
Members: Susan Retzer, Jennifer Lubejko, Joanne Kiley, Jamie Stewart, Simone Srinivasan
[No update]
Continuing Education Committee:
Co-Chairs: Jessie Bowman and Carolyn Hersch
Members: Sharon Nelson, Tom Keefe, David Rogers, Jamie Stewart, Simone Srinivasan
On February 17, 2016, CALL, APRA-IL, and APRA-MN put on a collaborative webinar comparing and contrasting competitive intelligence with prospect research. This was CALL’s first collaborative webinar. Jerry Burch from Latham & Watkins presented and discussed from the legal side of the webinar.
On April 6, 2016, the New York Law Institute will be presenting a webinar to CALL members, discussing some of the services that they provide to member institutions.
Corporate Memory Committee:
Chair: Betty Roeske
Members: Judy Gaskell, Christine Morong, Susan Siebers, Frank Drake
Corporate Memory Committee met on Feb. 16, 2016. We reviewed the September to January Board Minutes. Policy Log was updated through the January Board minutes.
Government Relations Committee:
Co-Chairs: Joseph Mitzenmacher and Clare M. Hoyt
Members: Tom Gaylord, Sally Holterhoff, Justin Franklin, Matt Timko
[See separate article on AALL GRO legislative advocacy efforts]
Grants and Chapter Awards Committee:
Chair: Margaret Schilt
Members: Clanitra Stewart Nejdl, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Beth Schubert, Patricia Sayre-McCoy
Thanks to all who nominated themselves or others for CALL Chapter Awards or applied for grants for the AALL Annual Meeting in Chicago! Grant recipients have been notified, and were announced at the May Business Meeting. Congratulations to our chapter award winners:
Outstanding In-House Publication: William J. Campbell Library of the U.S. Courts, 7th Circuit
Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship: Gretchen Van Dam
Awards for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship: Sally Holterhoff and Barry Herbert
Meetings Committee:
Chair: Eugene Giudice and Larissa Sullivant
Members: Jill Meyer, Sara Baseggio, Todd Hillmer
[No update]
Membership Committee:
Co-Chairs: Therese Arado and Annie Mentkowski
Members: Christine Klobucar, Lindsey Carpino, Jeff Meyerowitz
[No update]
Mentorship & Leadership Development Committee:
Co-Chairs: Jamie Sommer and Clare Willis
Members: Tom Gaylord, Gretchen Van Dam, Ben Brighoff
The Mentorship and Leadership Development Committee held a leadership event on January 28, 2016. The event included a panel discussion featuring Clare Gaynor Willis, Gretchen Van Dam, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Robert Martin and Julie Pabarja. Our distinguished panelists discussed the different roles that leaders play in organizations and what skills it takes to be a successful leader. We hope that many of the attendees will be inspired to seek out leadership roles in CALL and AALL. The Committee continues to make matches between mentors and mentees and reminds anyone who is interested in having or serving as a mentor to fill out the Mentorship and Networking Interest Form. The Committee also held a spring meet-up on Tuesday, March 29, 2016. They are planning a summer meet-up in anticipation of the annual meeting – details forthcoming.
Nominations & Elections Committee:
Chair: JoAnn Hounshell
Members: Carolyn Hosticka, Tom Keefe, Sheri Lewis, Jean Wenger, Maribel Nash
[No update]
Placement and Recruitment Committee:
Chair: Karl Pettitt and Jessie LeMar
Members: Valerie Kropf, Gretchen Van Dam
The Placement and Recruitment Committee has been asked a number of times this year to assist in locating law librarian job shadowing opportunities. To help with this, our committee has compiled a list of institutions and individuals that are interested in hosting a prospective law librarian. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered thus far! We are still in need of some law firm volunteers. If you are a firm librarian and would be interested in hosting, please contact Jessie LeMar (
Our committee has also been working to update the job posting brochure that can be distributed to human resource departments to help spread the word on posting your positions with CALL. As always, new job postings can be submitted to the committee online at the CALL Website under Jobs & Careers (
Public Relations Committee:
Co-Chairs: Kara Young and Beth Schubert
Members: Debbie Ginsberg, Emily Barney, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Joanne Kiley, Sharon Nelson, Scott Vanderlin, Britnee Cole
[No update]