Complete, up-to-date CALL Board meeting minutes are available on the CALL website.
- AALL Headquarters, 105 W. Adams St., Suite 3300 (enter on Clark St.)
- November 10, 2015 8:45 a.m.
Board Members Present
- Julie Pabarja
- Todd Ito
- Stephanie Crawford
- Robert Martin
- Margaret Schilt
- Diana Koppang
- Konya Lafferty Moss
Board Members Absent
- None
- Therese Arado and Annie Mentkowski (via phone) (Archives and Membership Committees Co-Chairs)
- Betty Roeske (Corporate Memory Committee Chair)
- Joe Mitzenmacher (via phone) (Government Relations Committee Co-Chair)
Treasurer’s Report (Section IV)
- Harris Bank Balance as of October 31, 2015: $32,551.83
- Net Income as of October 31, 2015: ($4,007.00)
- Membership Numbers as of October 31, 2015: 247 members (2 new members; 12 renewals)
Significant Actions
Policy Changes:
From Policy Log (page 11):
Finance. Returned Checks 2015-11: Members will cover any NSF (non-sufficient funds) fees on returned checks.
From Policy Log (page 20):
Nominations and Elections. Elections 2015-11: CALL will follow AALL’s Conduct of Election Policy (revised in April 2014) regarding campaigning by Board candidates: (Policy Line 1) “Candidates may not campaign for elected office nor engage in activities specifically designed to persuade members to vote for them. Activities not permitted include: distributing promotional items and using social media to directly promote their candidacy.”