January 29, 2015 marked a first for the CALL Continuing Education Committee. For the very first time, a CALL Continuing Education program was broadcast to attendees through a webinar. Lawyer, librarian, and LinkedIn guru, Nathan Rosen presented “Raise Your Profile and Communicate Value through LinkedIn: A CALL Personal Enrichment Webinar” from New York City to the CALL community.
The webinar was made possible through the generosity of the law firm of Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, which agreed to tech host the program. For future educational programs, the use of webinars will allow the Continuing Education Committee to tap into a deeper pool of prospective speakers and reach a larger CALL membership audience.
For those who were unable to access or attend the webinar, the recording of Nathan Rosen’s program is available through the CALL website.
The presentation topic touched on a subject important to many CALL members: how to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile. The speaker, Nathan Rosen, began his presentation by discussing how to use LinkedIn as a professional marketing brochure. His top 5 tips for developing powerful LinkedIn profiles were:
- create a compelling profile
- craft settings
- connect to people you know
- contribute
- congratulate others.
Nathan also discussed using LinkedIn as a search tool to research possible new connections and companies. Once possible new connections were identified, he described best practices for reaching out to them. I especially found his advice for obtaining recommendations and endorsements to be invaluable.
The impression I came away with at the end of Nathan’s presentation was that powerful, successful LinkedIn profiles are not built in a day. Slow and steady progress through connecting with others, sharing content, and careful editing of one’s profile will lead to LinkedIn success. I felt motivated and excited after hearing Nathan’s presentation to get working on my Linked-In profile, as I’m sure other CALL members did too!
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