Membership Committee Annual Report 2023-2024

The Committee Charge

The committee’s main charge is updating and management of the online directory, which replaced the print directory. This included eliminating duplicate accounts, standardizing firm and company names, and coordinating with the CALL Listserv admins to update the member emails.

CALL members must now contact Membership Committee members directly to make changes to their account in Neon after the initial creation of their account. This helps to maintain the accuracy and standardization of data.

The Committee Activity:

  • Update membership directory with member-submitted edits.
  • Provide list of current members for CALL Board meetings and to AALL for annual election.
  • Provide invoicing, as needed, for memberships and renewals.
  • Coordinate with Listserv admin to keep email list current.
  • Send membership renewal emails in May.
  • Annual review of current members and outreach to lapsed members.

Projects and Initiatives:

The following projects were begun in 2023, but need to be continued in the new year.

  • Review the Committee charge and submit edits to the Board.
  • Update the Committee “cookbook” of processes and procedures in Neon.
  • Obtain administrative access to the Listserv so that Membership Committee Chair can make requested edits to contact information.


Jessie LeMar


  • Janice Collins
  • Julie Pabarja
  • Amy Tomaszewski