Conference Call; October 11, 2022 9:04 a.m.
Board Members Present: Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, Jill Meyer, Jamie Sommers, Carrie Port,
and Todd Hillmer
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: None
Significant Actions:
I. Call meeting to order
President Scott Vanderlin called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
II. Approve agenda
The agenda was approved.
III. Approve Secretary’s minutes
The September meeting minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
- Harris Balances as of September 1,2022: $20,863.19 in our CD and $19,952.66 in checking.
- Membership numbers: 203 current total members.
V. Old Business
- Annual Budget – In transition back from COVID and see where things might be heading. Might have more in person meetings in the future and grants and awards may be coming back. Currently the budget reflects more of a COVID mindset and includes a legacy $1,000 allocation for Archives to pay for storage and hardware. Since the move to Loyola no real need to pay for storage or new hardware. Could shift the budget to digitizing the materials in the future, but currently it was removed from the budget and was shifted to pay for the tote bags this year. Fees for Neon went up. Zoom costs were lower than expected.
- 75th Anniversary Swag
- Logo and order details – Logo was approved and we are going to use it on the tote bags to give out at the November meeting.
- How many to order? We have 203 members, but we do not really have 200 people showing up at meetings. Been getting 60-70 people recently at Zoom meetings. One for the Archives and maybe a couple to have in reserve, but not too many. Thought was no more than 100, but that seems like a lot. Could allow one person from an institution to take bags to others in their institution. We are going to order 85 and if we need more we can order them later.
- CALL Discord Server: PR committee is looking into this and will have something to announce at the meeting.
VI. New Business
- Committee Chair Summit
- Date – Looking at late October, early November
- Structure – Not just training, but having the committees share what they were planning for the year to encourage collaboration. Structure can be a roundtable of what each committee is doing. Given the time frame Zoom is probably best. Probably 90 minutes maybe at lunch time. Probably a Monday or Friday as more people are not going into their offices on those days.
- Survey – Ask each committee for a report and in advance if they are going to want to partner with another committee and then set up breakout rooms.
- Committee Chair Summit
VII. Committee Reports :
- Archives: Todd – Waiting on two boxes from NIU. Looking for a missing drive of digital files. Hoping those are in the box.
- Bulletin: Sarah – Nothing to report
- Bylaws: Todd Nothing to report
- Community Service: Carrie – Nothing from Lisa and only 4 people signed up for the beach cleanup. It will be early afternoon on October 22nd. Might have two community service items for the November meeting – food bank and then one for the speaker.
- Continuing Education: Todd – two Nov 2nd – ABA commission on Sexuality and Gender. December 2nd having an event. Looking to do events with the D&I committee and other committees in the future.
- Corporate Memory: Sarah – Nothing to report
- Diversity & Inclusion: Scott – Trying to find a good time for meetings. Decided not to give them a standing budget, but would allocate them money as needed.
- Government Relations: Mandy– GRC and also planning a joint event with SLA. No plans to update CALL website. Maybe put out feelers on who might be interested in joining the committee.
- Grants & Chapter Awards: Jamie – New forms are on the website.
- Meetings: Jill – Meeting last week. Planning on trying to get Wildfire as a venue. Wondered if there was flexibility to change meeting dates. No. There is not. Might do a survey – not sure there is a need, but if they really feel like they need one fine. Considering a meeting in January.
- Membership: Jill Nothing to report
- Mentorship: Mandy – Had their initial meeting and set goals for the year.
- Nominations & Elections: Scott – Nothing to report
- Placement/Recruitment: Carrie – Nothing to report
- Public Relations: Jamie – Met and are going to look into Discord. Still planning on using the free version of Canva.
VIII. Announcements
No announcements
IX. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.