Conference Call – March 8, 2022 9:05 a.m.
Board Members Present: Jamie Sommer, Scott Vanderlin, Lindsey Carpino, Carrie Port, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, and Tom Keefe
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: No Guests
Significant Actions:
I. Call meeting to order – President Jamie Sommer called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.
II. Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.
III. Approve Secretary’s minutes – The February meeting minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
a. Harris Balances as of March 1,2021: $20,857.13 in our CD and $ 16,859.53 in checking.
b. Membership numbers: 216 active members.
V. Old Business
a. Community Service non-profit selection guidance – no feedback from community service as yet. One suggestion is that we really want to stick to a 501 (c )(3) as opposed to language. Informal guidance is to not be in conflict with the speaker.
b. 75th Anniversary planning updates – important to not only have social events, but also something that commemorates this history of CALL – Ideas for both include:
i. History of CALL – panel at Sept./Nov. 2022 Business Meeting – top idea – history of original membership, history in 25 year increments, oral histories of people in CALL. Leaning towards November meeting. Do we want to do it in person or Zoom or hybrid? Ideas for speakers. Should this be a dedicated event? Not a business meeting event. Want to make sure they get their time. If they do not want to speak then maybe have them write up something instead. Would help get content for the proposed special edition of the newsletter. Since it is not paper there are no page limits. Committee is planning on coordinating with other committees also.
ii. Summer Social Event – ideas includes – COVID friendly, but fun. Jones Day has a patio, Chicago History Museum, Columbia Yacht Club, SWAG ideas – ribbons for CALL at AALL, Logo for anniversary, tote or lunch bag. What is the budget for SWAG and events? Hoping to get sponsors for the events.
iii. No event at AALL – coming up too quickly, most spaces booked.
iv. Ad in Chicago Daily Law Bulletin for Constitution Day (May 1) – We did not do it last year since no one was in the office. We should do one this year. Jamie will reach out to them.
v. Banner for CALL website – Will work with the website committee.
c. Mentorship & Leadership – Committee Fair – REMO platform. No one has ever used it. No one has other ideas. Most of their ideas were inexpensive – so they can use whatever one they think it best.
d. Strategic Plan Tracker – Google Doc – up and running. Please check it out.
VI. New Business
a. May Business Meeting – virtual vs in-person? – No speaker lined up as yet. So can go either way. Most people are unsure. Will we really get the turnout? Who is in the office? Can we do hybrid? Going to send out a poll as to if people would show up.
VII. Committee Reports
a. Archives – Tom – No updates – but a suggestion was made that it would be good if they were involved in the 75th.
b. Bulletin – Sarah – No updates
c. Bylaws – Jamie – No updates
d. Community Service –Carrie –No Updates.
e. Continuing Education – Tom – Working on programs for March 23rd on writing and publications for law librarians & April 20th joint meeting with mentorship on adaptive leadership.
f. Corporate Memory – Sarah – No updates
g. Government Relations – Mandy No updates
h. Grants & Chapter Awards – Lindsey – No updates
i. Meetings – Scott – Just did a social event – 5 people attended. Good conversation, but is it worth continuing media club? Maybe switch back to books and a lunch meeting – not after work? Maybe some outside in person event in person.
j. Membership – Lindsey – Updated the directory. Can search for members by institution. Will promote this. Can delete the old pdf version.
k. Mentorship – Mandy – New member breakfast report will be in the CALL bulletin. Adaptive leadership event in April. Getting panelists set up – ideas welcome. Potential Roundtable – should I go to AALL – is it safe. We do not think this panel is a good idea – do not want AALL upset with us.
l. Nominations & Elections – Jamie – Elections are underway and open for another week.
m. Placement/Recruitment – Carrie – No updates
n. Public Relations – Scott – No updates
o. Strategic Planning – Carrie – Should the Google Doc be shared with Jean? Probably just for the board. Jamie will write a blub and put up the basic plan on the website.
VIII. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.