The 2015-2016 Grants and Chapter Awards Committee was Margaret Schilt (chair), Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Patricia Sayre-McCoy, Elizabeth Schubert, and Clanitra Stewart-Nejdl.
During 2015-2016, the Grants and Chapter Awards Committee deliberated on 7 grant applications and 4 nominations for Chapter Awards.
The Committee made the following decisions:
Grants awarded
- Clare Willis, for the AALL Leadership Academy, $756.81
- Eugene Giudice, for the AALL Business Skills Clinic, $658.45
- Heidi Kuehl, AALL Annual Meeting, $500
- Annie Mentkowski, for the AALL Annual Meeting, $1000
- Matthew Timko, for the AALL Annual Meeting, $500
- William Schwesig, for Yale’s Rare Books School, $635
- Debra Denslaw, recommended for the AALL Chapter Grant for the AALL Annual Meeting
Awards presented
- Outstanding In-House Publication: to the William J. Campbell Library of the U.S. Courts, 7th Circuit for its Daily Headlines E-mail
- Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship: to Gretchen Van Dam
- Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship: to Sarah Holterhoff and Barry Herbert
In addition, the committee made the following recommendations to the Board:
- That the criteria used for the 2013 AALL Chapter Grant should be used again in 2016 and adopted formally as the criteria for making that award. The criteria include defining “newer member” of CALL as a member for less than 5 years and the criteria that the Committee has established for AALL grants generally.
- That the cap for any individual grant should be raised to $1,000 in view of the continuing cost increases for professional development opportunities.
Both recommendations were adopted by the Board.
The budget for the Committee this year was $6,000. Grants totaled $4,050.26 and plaques cost $550 for a total amount expended of $4,600.26.
Recommendations for future committees: Outreach should make it clear that grants are available for professional education opportunities outside of AALL as well as those sponsored by AALL.