JH: Tell us a little about yourself.
LT: I practiced ERISA law for 5 years. I just left Kirkland & Ellis at the end of June. I am the proud mother of a 2 ½ year old boy and a 10-month old girl.
JH: I know you are currently in the LEEP program at U of I. What classes are you currently taking or getting ready to take?
LT: I just started in July. I am currently taking Libraries, Information, and Society – an introductory course. I will be taking Reference, Instruction and Assistance; and Information Organization and Access in the fall.
JH: Why did you join CALL?
LT: I joined CALL about a week before this interview. I am also on the Bulletin Committee. It was recommended that I join CALL by fellow CALL member Lindsey Carpino and by other members of the profession.
JH: Are you currently working in a library setting?
LT: Not at this time but I will begin working as a reference associate at the law library at Northwestern in September.
JH: What brought you to librarianship? Law librarianship?
LT: I worked as a research assistant during law school and was on the editorial board of the law review. I worked closely with law librarians in those capacities. I liked the law and also had an interest in doing research.
JH: Are you a part of any other organizations? ALA, SLA, ILA, AALL, etc…
LT: I am also a member of AALL.
JH: What are your hobbies?
LT: Running, reading, and gardening. I really want to start traveling again.
JH: What book are you currently reading? Do you have a favorite author?
LT: I’m always reading three books at a time because sometimes I can read print, but other times I need to use the Kindle. I’m currently re-reading To Kill a Mocking Bird so that I can then read Go Set a Watchman. I am also reading Sarah Dessen’s Saint Anything and 1-2-3 Magic on child discipline. My favorite author is C.S. Lewis.
JH: Is there one book you could read over and over again.
LT: No, not at the time.
JH: Are you a coffee person, tea person, both or neither?
LT: Coffee. I am originally from Seattle and miss all of the local roasters and independent coffee shops.
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