JH: Tell us a little about yourself.
LT: I practiced ERISA law for 5 years. I just left Kirkland & Ellis at the end of June. I am the proud mother of a 2 ½ year old boy and a 10-month old girl.
JH: Tell us a little about yourself.
LT: I practiced ERISA law for 5 years. I just left Kirkland & Ellis at the end of June. I am the proud mother of a 2 ½ year old boy and a 10-month old girl.
New CALL member, Stacia Stein, is a graduate student in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a member of the CALL Bulletin Committee.
Fellow Bulletin Committee member, Juanita Harrell, recently interviewed her so we could all get to know her a little better.
JH: Tell us a little about yourself.
SS: I went to DePaul for undergrad. I received my law degree in 2006. I studied German/ international studies, human issues. I also studied abroad in England and Ireland. Continue reading Meet New CALL Member Stacia Stein
I recently made the “leap” from practicing ERISA law to pursuing a Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS).
Why do I get myself into these things?! This is a question I have asked myself a lot this year. In fact, I am asking myself that very question right now, as I stare at a blank computer screen, reflecting on my first year in library school, trying to find some sort of form and poetic resonance in my experience.
It’s a question that I asked myself last summer when I attended “bootcamp” at the University of Illinois, the mandatory 1-week introductory course in Champaign for students intending on pursuing their MLIS degree online … 4 quizzes, 2 papers, 1 group presentation and required active participation in live classes as well as internet message boards that never sleep! It’s a question that I asked myself last fall when the class I was taking wasn’t resonating with me. Because the class was online, I had no way of knowing if this disconnect was a sign that I had maybe made the wrong career choice or if, in fact, other students were feeling it too. And, yes, it’s also a question that I asked myself Spring Semester, when I took two inspiring and challenging classes but struggled to find the time to balance work, school and life.
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