Note: To access complete Minutes from this meeting, visit the Board Minutes page on the CALL website.
AALL Headquarters, 105 W. Adams St., Suite 3300 (enter on Clark St.)
March 10, 2015 9:00 a.m.
Board Members Present:
- Margaret Schilt
- Stephanie Crawford (via conference call)
- Robert Martin
- Maribel Nash (via conference call)
- Julie Pabarja
- Jamie Sommer
Board Members Absent:
Treasurer’s report (Section IV):
- Harris Bank Balance as of February 28, 2015: $28,208.89
- Net Income, February 28, 2015: $390.00
- Membership numbers as of February 28, 2015: 255 (12 new members, 243 renewals) (no change from January)
Significant Actions:
Policy: The Bulletin Committee will publish a version of every issue of the CALL Bulletin in Portable Document Format (PDF) to correspond with the online publication in WordPress format.
Procedure: The Board resolved to adopt the Wild Apricot platform along with the PayPal electronic payment system for membership dues, registration for Business meetings, and payment for Continuing Education programs.