CALL Executive Board Meeting, April 2015

Note: To access complete Minutes from this meeting, visit the Board Minutes page on the CALL website.

AALL Headquarters, 105 W. Adams St., Suite 3300 (enter on Clark St.)

April 14, 2015 9:00 a.m.

Board Members Present:

  • Margaret Schilt
  • Stephanie Crawford
  • Julie Pabarja (via conference call)
  • Jamie Sommer
  • Maribel Nash
  • Robert Martin
  • Clare Willis

Board Members Absent:



  • Diana Koppang
  • Todd Ito
  • Konya Lafferty


Treasurer’s report (Section IV):

  1. Harris Bank Balance as of March 31, 2015: $26,091.23
  2. Net Income, March 31, 2015: ($2,270.37)
  3. Membership numbers as of March 31, 2015: 256 (13 new members, 243 renewals)

Significant Actions:

Policy: The Bulletin Committee shall obtain a photo permission form from all individuals clearly depicted in a photograph published in the CALL Bulletin.

Policy:  Grant applicants need not be CALL members for 12 months before applying.