This Winter 2015 CALL Bulletin issue is the second issue in the new blog format. In this issue, we tell you about the 2015-16 candidates for CALL offices. The issue is also bursting with interesting feature articles, regular, and new columns. We have contributions from all the members of the CALL Bulletin Committee as well as other CALL-eagues.
First up, we congratulate candidates for election for the 2015-2016 CALL term: Eugene Giudice, Todd Ito, Diana Koppang, Konya Lafferty, Joe Mitzenmacher, and Kara Young! Thanks for stepping up to the plate for CALL!
Then we have an article by Keith Ann Stiverson on her trip to Springfield to present CALL’s Resolution of Appreciation to Kip Kolkmeier and a reproduction of the text of same. And Joe Mitzenmacher gives us breaking news on the Illinois FOIA reform bill.
This is followed by a useful article by Debbie Ginsberg on efficiencies of using text to speech and speech to text tools for work and accessibility. Michael Verderame gives us an introduction to a current scholarship trend – Empirical Legal Studies (ELS).
And co-editors Kevin McClure and Lyonette Louis-Jacques respectively report on Georgetown’s timely link rot symposium and the recent Chicago-hosted American Society of International Law (ASIL) Midyear Meeting and Research Forum.
Lindsey Ann Carpino, who gave us such great insights into what it’s like to be a library school student with her LEEP column, is now writing a new column from the law firm librarian perspective. Her first article compares her experiences: “Law Firm v. Academic Librarians.”
Kara Dunn updates us on news of former CALL President, Heidi Kuehl, with an interview on how she’s doing in her new job as Director of Northern Illinois University (NIU) Law Library.
In CALL Committee news, we have one of our newest CALL Bulletin Committee members doing double duty. Emily Barney gives us a useful tech tip from the CALL Public Relations Committee about tricks to get around Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm. Erica Mohai tells us about the special Halloween workshop on social media investigations sponsored by the CALL Continuing Education Committee.
Lauren Odom received a grant to attend the Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL) meeting in Chicago from the CALL Grants and Awards Committee and tells us what we missed for those who couldn’t make it (thanks, Lauren!). And Joanne Kiley and Annette Cade have an announcement from the CALL Placement and Recruitment Committee.
As usual, Clare Gaynor Willis does a great job of summarizing the minutes of the CALL Executive Board meetings. This issue has the September and October 2014 summaries. And she’s peerless in her ability to capture the business meeting, so I feel like I was there when I read her reports. Internet privacy is one of the legal issues that fascinates me, so her notes on the November 20 Business Meeting speaker, Lori Andrews’ talk, is much appreciated.

Finally, Kevin McClure is resigning as co-editor of the CALL Bulletin after he completes his work on this Winter 2015 issue. He is off to a new adventure in Doha! He has accepted a position as Public Services Librarian at the Qatar campus of Northwestern University. Maybe he can send us dispatches from Doha! It has been a real pleasure working with Kevin and I wish him the best in his new job!
The CALL Executive Board, noting the need for three editors because of the new Bulletin blog format, has appointed two new co-editors to replace Kevin – Scott Vanderlin and Lindsey Ann Carpino. Look forward to working with you, Scott and Lindsey! Welcome aboard!
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