New CALL member, Heather Hummons, is the Head of Access Services at DePaul University College of Law. Fellow Call Bulletin Committee member, Jill Meyer, recently interviewed her so we could get to know her.
JM: How did you get your start working in libraries?
HH: I actually started working in libraries back in 2000 as a part-time circulation clerk. As the years progressed, I received several promotions within that department beginning with a transition to the part-time weekend circulation supervisor to a full-time position as a Library Assistant I, functioning as the primary circulation desk attendant and in charge of library billing. When the position for Circulation Manager opened in 2004, I applied and was hired. I remained in that role until last year (2014) when I was promoted to my current position as the Head of Access Services. Continue reading Meet New CALL Member Heather Hummons→
Each May, CALL recognizes individuals and institutions that have made significant contributions to the Association and profession. This year’s CALL honorees represent the best of what librarianship brings to the legal community. The following awards were presented at the May 14 CALL Business Meeting.
Award for Outstanding In-House Publication Honoree:
The Chicago Association of Law Libraries honors Mary Lu Linnane with the 2015 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award.
In her 40 plus years of service to the profession and professional associations, Mary Lu Linnane has served on committees and in leadership roles almost too numerous to mention.
She began her career in 1974 as Head of Cataloging at the Lewis University Law Library (now Northern Illinois University (NIU)). In 1979 she took the same position at the DePaul Law Library and a year later she became the Head of Technical Services later adding Associate Director. She stayed in that position until her retirement in June 2014. Continue reading Mary Lu Linnane Receives Lifetime Achievement Award→
Newsletter of the Chicago Association of Law Libraries
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