Call for CALL Executive Board Nominations

The CALL Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations for the following Executive Board positions:

  • Vice-President/President-Elect (three-year term)
  • Secretary (two-year term)
  • Director (two-year term)

Please send nominations directly to Scott Vanderlin by the end of the day Friday, January 31st.

Please remember that self-nomination is completely acceptable, even encouraged, so if you are interested in serving on the Board, let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions – Do I need to have chaired a committee? Is there a minimum membership term before you’re eligible? Are there other service pre-requisites?  NO! You need not have chaired a committee to run, nor is there a CALL membership minimum.

We encourage nominations from the full range of CALL members –  Academic, firm, government, special library, research, management, competitive intelligence, technical services, seasoned professionals, newbies – all are encouraged to join our leadership team by running for a seat on the CALL Executive Board! The Association is committed to diversity in our membership and leadership, and as such, encourages the nomination of a diverse slate of candidates.