The summer has wound down, so we’re happy to present you with the summer 2016 issue of the CALL Bulletin. And what a summer it was. Hosting the AALL Annual Meeting in Chicago gave many of us the chance to extend the collegiality and hospitality that we as CALL members enjoy on a regular basis. As mused by Joanne Kiley, it was a great conference and a real treat to hear so many of our colleagues say, “I love Chicago!”
This issue recaps “summer school” by providing grantee reports on AALL from Annie Mentkowski, Rare Book School from Bill Schwesig, and the AALL Leadership Academy from Clare Willis. We also have a recap of June’s CALIcon by Margaret Schilt in our TechBuzz column.
This issue also provides annual reports from our Committees in lieu of the standard committee news round-up, as well as a missive from the courts in Juanita Harrell’s “The After Party.” And Clare Willis penned a “Leadership Library” covering an anthology of writings from a variety of figured, past and present, edited by Elizabeth Samet.
Before signing off, I would like to thank everyone on the Bulletin Committee and everyone else who has helped as I get my sea legs in co-editing the Bulletin. Special thanks to Lyonette Louis-Jacques, who has left big shoes to fill as a co-editor but has been tremendously helpful in continuing to offer her support in various Bulletin-related matters. I’m looking forward to a great term working on the Bulletin!
Philip Johnson
Co-editor, CALL Bulletin