Happy New Year, everyone, and welcome to the Winter 2016 issue of the CALL Bulletin! This issue has something for everyone. CALL elections are coming, and we have published the 2016-2017 slate of candidates with photos and bio statements. Thanks to Joanne Kiley, Clare Willis, Tom Gaylord, Jill Meyer, Therese Clarke Arado, and Lindsey Carpino for running for office. We appreciate your willingness to serve on the CALL Executive Board!
The Winter 2016 issue is also a special “Chicago International”-themed issue of the CALL Bulletin! Guest editors, Matthew Timko and Sharon Nelson, introduce us to great pieces on CALL member travels abroad, cultural heritage museums, ethnic foods, unique collections, people, and other foreign, comparative, and international legal (FCIL) resources in Chicago.

Continuing the “Chicago International” theme, besides providing summaries of recent CALL Board meetings, CALL Secretary, Diana Koppang, in her September 2015 Business Meeting Round-Up, reports on guest speaker, CRL President, Bernard F. Reilly’s presentation on the Global Resources Network’s foreign and international law projects.
In addition to international-flavored articles, we also have a new court librarian column written by Juanita Harrell, a library school article by Matthew Timko, and a law firm librarian piece by Holly Barocio. LeighAnne Thompson brings back the “Whatever Happened To…?” column with an interview of Laura Weidig. And Joanne Kiley tells us all about ILTA (the International Legal Technology Association). It’s so great to find out what CALL members in all types of settings are doing!
On the committee front, we once again have a round-up of CALL committee activities. The AALL Chicago 2016 Local Arrangements Committee has a call for volunteers.
The Government Relations Committee has a contribution by Tom Gaylord on library advocacy tools. Recipients of grants from the CALL Grants and Chapter Awards Committee, Emily Barney and Eugene Giudice, report on the events they attended. Relive the AALL annual meeting in Philly via Emily’s recap! Find out what happened at the AALL Business Skills Clinic by reading Eugene’s report!
Finally, thanks to the PR Committee, we now have a CALL BULLETIN button on the CALL homepage! This makes it easier for member to access the wonderful information in the CALL newsletter. And Bulletin Historian, Annie Mentkowski, has been busy investigating getting the CALL Bulletin into HeinOnline. We hope to be among other AALL entities with newsletters in HeinOnline really soon!
As usual, we love to have articles or article ideas from CALL members. And feedback on our published issues. The deadline for article submissions for the Spring 2016 issue of the CALL Bulletin is March 15. We are flexible, though. Please send your contributions at any time or comments on how we are doing to meet your needs to the co-editors Lyonette Louis-Jacques (llou@uchicago.edu), Lindsey Carpino (lcarpino@sidley.com), or Scott Vanderlin (svanderlin@kentlaw.iit.edu).
Have a great winter season!
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