Co-Chairs: Therese Clarke Arado and Annie Mentkowski
Members: Sharon Nelson and Patricia Sayre-McCoy
Board Liaison: Maribel Nash
During the course of the year members sent documents on committee activities and other CALL-related materials to the Archives for filing. Electronic copies of materials sent are being printed out for filing. The Committee is planning to purchase a one or two terabyte drive to house archives from the web site. It has not yet been purchased as of June 10, 2015 but will be done this summer. Hard copies received will not be scanned for the time being due to limited equipment capabilities; however items received electronically will be printed and stored electronically. Fewer materials have been sent to Archives this year, however a few members did send boxes of information for inclusion.
The PR/Internet Committee provides CD back-ups of the CALL website at various intervals throughout the year. A regular schedule for this activity still needs to be developed.
Submitted by Therese Clarke Arado