The CALL Executive Board approved a resolution of thanks that I was pleased to deliver to the Illinois Library Association (ILA) at its annual meeting in Springfield on October 15th.
The well-attended Members’ Meeting was held at 11:30 a.m., and I was there in plenty of time to surprise Kip Kolkmeier, the ILA Legislative Consultant who did more than anyone else to gain passage of the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act (UELMA) in Illinois.
When I was introduced at the meeting, I explained that I had come to read a resolution of appreciation from the CALL Executive Board. Kip looked surprised, but happy, which made me glad I’d made the drive. A copy of the resolution was given to Kip, to former ILA president Su Erickson, and to Bob Doyle, ILA’s Executive Director, all of whom were named in the resolution. Framed copies of the resolution were delivered in November, so that all three of our supporters have a permanent reminder of our gratitude.
At the Members’ Meeting, Kip talked about ILA’s legislative initiatives, and I believe that we will have the opportunity to join in some of their future letter-writing and other campaigns. Some ILA priorities match ours, including Freedom of Information Act improvements and Open Government issues.
I’ve learned the lesson – again – that state library associations can be great partners. Their devotion to our cause made the UELMA victory possible.
Thanks are due the CALL Executive Board, particularly President Margaret Schilt, a great wordsmith, who greatly improved the draft resolution and turned it around very quickly.
Keith Ann Stiverson
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
and AALL Vice-President