Dear CALL Colleagues –
While the calendar year may have just started, we are already well past the halfway point of the current CALL year. As we navigate another Chicago winter and play the “how many different types of adverse weather alerts can my phone give me?” game, CALL’s work continues.
Before we look at CALL’s present activities, it’s that time to think about our future. The 2019-20 CALL Board Election will start on February 15 and end on March 15. Kudos to Todd Ito and the members of the Nominations and Elections Committee for assembling a fantastic slate of candidates! You can view each candidate’s biography and personal statement, and be on the lookout for the announcement that voting is open.
Don’t forget that in addition to the Board election, CALL will be concurrently running a Bylaws election from February 15 through March 15. If approved, the proposed Bylaws amendments would (1) align the CALL membership categories with AALL’s membership categories by eliminating the “associate” member category (allowing those members to become full voting and office-holding members of CALL); and (2) eliminate the requirement that retired members have been active CALL members for at least 10 consecutive years. The Bylaws election will be available on the CALL Elections page of the website, so please remember to cast your vote! Continue reading President’s Letter
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