Co-Chairs: Annette Cade and Joanne Kiley
Board Liaison: Robert Martin
The Placement & Recruitment Committee continued to utilize the job posting procedure which was updated three years ago. The procedure successfully serves members, employers, job seekers, and enables an efficient process for committee use. Employers fill out a simple web form on the CALL website. The committee member who receives the form via email then confirms the posting and uploads it on the website, usually within a day. The procedure also triggers an email to the listserv. When requested by an employer submitting a job opening, the committee member sends an announcement to nearby library schools (with the exception of the University of Illinois, which instituted new job posting requirements in 2014) to help connect CALL with library students and recent alumni from graduate library programs. Using this described procedure, the committee posted 31 jobs on the CALL website and listserv during the membership year.
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