The John Marshall Law School’s Louis L. Biro Law Library has a unique print collection of Chinese Intellectual Property Law. A description of this collection is available in Raizel Liebler’s Chinese Intellectual Property LibGuide. The Chinese IP Law Collection is located on the 10th floor of the Library.
Many of the materials in the JMLS Chinese IP Collection are not available anywhere else in the United States. For example: The Handbook of Intellectual Property Litigation = Zhi shi Chan quan Su song Fa lü Shou ce = 知识产权诉讼法律手册 . Authors/Contributors: Beijing Shi Gaoji Renmin Fa yuan Min San Ting bian. Place, publisher, year: Beijing : Zhi shi Chan quan Chu ban she, 2004. ISBN: 9787800119774.
In addition, the John Marshall Chinese Intellectual Property Resource Center website contains an index of titles in this collection as well as links to the Center’s many online resources such as translated Chinese IP decision summaries, Professor Arthur Yuan’s One-Stop-Shop Chinese IP Resources list, and news of recent developments in Chinese patent, trademark, and copyright law.
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