Conference Call: August 9, 2022 9:04 a.m.
Board Members Present:
Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, Jill Meyer, Jamie Sommers, Carrie Port, and Todd Hillmer
Board Members Absent: None
Guests: None
Significant Actions:
I. Call meeting to order
President Scott Vanderlin called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
II. Approve agenda
The agenda was approved.
III. Approve Secretary’s minutes
The June meeting minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report
- Harris Balances as of August 1,2021: $20,862.30- in our CD and $19,971.24 in checking.
- Membership numbers: 192 active members.
- Approve 2022-2023 Budget – will be done once we have a budget.
- Budget meeting in August – Todd and Mandy and Scott will have a meeting in August to talk about a budget.
V. Old Business
- Committee annual reports – All annual reports are now submitted. Will be printed in the Bulletin.
- Membership renewals – Currently at 192 members and it appears that everyone who is interested in renewing has successfully done so.
- Reminder of Committee Liaisons for future meetings:
- Archives (Chair: Tom Keefe) – Todd
- Bulletin (Co-Editors: Emily Barney & Lindsey Carpino) – Sarah
- Bylaws (Chair: Heidi Kuehl) – Todd
- Community Service (Chair: Lisa Winkler) – Carrie
- Continuing Education (Chair: Joe Mitzenmacher) – Todd
- Corporate Memory (Chair: Therese Arado) – Sarah
- Diversity & Inclusion (Co-Chairs: Julie Pabarja & Ariel Scotese) – Scott
- Government Relations (Chair: Sarah Walangitan) – Mandy
- Grants & Chapter Awards: (Chair: Jamie Sommers) -Jamie
- Meetings (Co-Chairs: Clare Willis & Mike McMillan) – Jill
- Membership (Chair: Jessie LeMar) – Jill
- Mentorship (Chair: Brandy Ellis) – Mandy
- Nominations & Elections (Chair: Lindsey Carpino) – Scott
- Placement/Recruitment (Co-Chairs: Diana Koppang & Todd Ito) – Carrie
- Public Relations (Chair: Jesse Bowman) – Jamie
- Board update to website – Board information has been updated on the website
- Board meetings for the upcoming year – We will meet virtually for the main meetings. May meet from time to time socially in person.
VI. New Business
- September Business Meeting
- Planned to be in person – Clare and Mike are currently planning the meeting and we had hoped to have two in person meetings over the year – with September and May being in person and November and February virtual. However, with the variants do we still think this is a good idea?
- No speaker identified as yet. Unless venues are more forgiving – it could be difficult now to get commitments. Probably more forgiving, but it might still be an issue. CALL could underwrite the event – any we might want to revisit our cancellation policy to allow people to cancel and we would really have to be ok with a much smaller turnout. Maybe do it hybrid, but those can be difficult to manage. Do we have a strong speaker in mind that could be a draw?
- Hybrid vs. In Person: Were people ok with the 75th being in person? Pro or Con? Most people who attended were happy, but got no comments that people were not coming because of COVID – but some people commented that the only reason they came in person was because it was outside. Could try for a business meeting outside, but limited places that might work and weather might be a problem.
- Happy Hours? The Rivers restaurant could be an option for a virtual meeting and then a later happy hour outside. Thought are we should probably reinstate the in person happy hours in any case if possible. A bifurcated event – virtual speaker at lunch and then an in person event with swag later in the evening for socializing could work well. Going to talk to the meetings committee
- Leadership Training – Is this something that is really needed outside of the social aspect.
- Proposed New Event – Jamie had a proposal to move training from August to September and combined with Chair visits. Maybe ask all of the Chairs to come in at once and share their plans for the year. This would allow for all committees to come in early in the year, promotes collaboration, and would be more productive.
- New Format This event would be in person and would be more of a roundtable- not in place of a board meeting, but in place of the leadership training and would then cover the required board meeting visits from the committee chairs. Biggest change would be moving the session to a little later in the year and shifting the focus to plans for the year and collaboration and a way to share best practices. Going to move forward with this plan.
- Diversity & Inclusion (New Committee) – Ariel Scotese and Julie Pabarja will be the co-chairs. Right now their task is to figure out what to do and how to handle their charges. What would be important work for the committee. They have some ideas, but any thoughts to share with them welcome.
- AALL Chapter Visit – Are we entitled to a visit every year? Do we want a visit? Last time we had a visit it was May 2021. We could consider one of them as a potential speaker.
- Ideas for the year: Scott’s idea was instead of doing institute day doing a mini AALL in June. Designed for people who were presenting at AALL to have a chance to practice their presentation and also to give local people a chance to see the presentation early and then they do not have to feel compelled to attend the event at AALL. He is going to talk to Continuing Ed and also maybe a program on writing program proposals.
VII. Committee Reports :
Committee Assignments were finalized right before the meeting – so no reports or updates
- Archives: Todd
- Bulletin: Sarah
- Bylaws: Todd
- Community Service: Carrie
- Continuing Education: Todd
- Corporate Memory : Sarah
- Diversity & Inclusion: Scott
- Government Relations: Mandy
- Grants & Chapter Awards: Jamie
- Meetings: Jill
- Membership Jill
- Mentorship: Mandy
- Nominations & Elections: Scott
- Placement/Recruitment Carrie
- Public Relations: Jamie
VIII. Announcements
No announcements
IX. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:09 a.m.