Conference Call – June 14, 2022 9:03 a.m.
Board Members Present: Scott Vanderlin, Sarah Andeen, Mandy Lee, Jill Meyer and Todd Hillmer
Board Members Absent: Jamie Sommers, Carrie Port,
Guests: None
Significant Actions:
I. Call meeting to order – President Scott Vanderlin called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.
II. Approve agenda – The agenda was approved.
III. Approve Secretary’s minutes – The May meeting minutes were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report Scott reporting for Todd. Still transitioning and numbers were reported by Todd Hillmer via e-mail on June 20, 2022.
a. Harris Balances as of June 1,2021: $20,859.70- in our CD and $20,498.03 in checking.
b. Membership numbers: 152 active members.
V. Old Business
a. Annual Reports: All committees have been contacted and reminded they are due to be submitted by June 30, 2022. Three have come in to date.
b. Committee Chair and Volunteer Survey for 2022-23: Survey is going out formally today. All outgoing committee chairs have been contacted and asked most who have not served long terms would you like to stay or are there recommendations of people on your committee. Some will be remaining. Joe Mitzenmacher will continue on Continuing Ed.
c. Poster/Display Board in Activities Area: Scott contacted AALL and we are confirmed to have a Display for our 75th. Take a photo at the 75th have it printed and add notes/messages from CALL members. Scott will take the lead to make sure it gets done. However, we do need someone to actually put up the display. Mandy will be in Denver at that time and will take care of putting it up.
d. 75th Anniversary Planning Updates
i. Social Event at Columbia Yacht Club
1. Vendor Sponsorship Update ($800 from TR, $2000 from Lexis—need invoice)
2. Registration numbers – to date we have 50 people. Quote is for 75 people
3. Thoughts on the menu – one vegan choice and almost everything is gluten free. People will get two drink tickets included and then anything over is a cash bar. Quote is $3,800
4. +1 were approved and will be charged the $15 registration fee.
ii. Gifts for members (will now be distributed at Fall Business Meeting). Will see how that goes and if needed will do other meetings as well. Bags are in the process of being ordered.
e. Race Judicata: Do we want to try to have a team on June 30th? Missed early registration – but only $5 difference in the fee which is now $45 per person. Probably a little tight to try to push it at this point. If we do does CALL want to subsidize? We voted to pass for this year.
VI. New Business
a. Board update to website, bios (is everyone OK with the photos we have on file?) PR committee will update. Everyone is fine with their photos.
b. Board meetings for the upcoming year – in person or virtual? Everyone is fine to keep board meetings virtual and maybe meet socially from time to time.
c. Committee assignments: Going to assign liaison responsibilities. Went over responsibilities – contact them. Sarah & Jill will keep their old assignments. Traditionally the VP has been the liaison to Meetings, but Jill is familiar and would be fine to stay.
VII. Committee Reports : Assigned board liaisons and then Scott reached out to all Chairs prior to the meeting. Got very little response.
a. Archives Todd
b. Bulletin Sarah
c. Bylaws Todd
d. Community Service: Carrie
e. Continuing Education: Todd
f. Corporate Memory : Sarah
g. Diversity & Inclusion: Scott
h. Government Relations Mandy
i. Grants & Chapter Awards Jamie
j. Meetings: Jill
k. Membership Jill
l. Mentorship: Mandy
m. Nominations & Elections: Scott
n. Placement/Recruitment Carrie
o. Public Relations: Jamie
VIII. Announcements – No announcements
IX. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m.