Ever seen the CALL mentorship form and thought that would be interesting, I would love to talk shop with a newer member of the profession, but I am not nearly old/experienced/senior enough? They would not want me . . . plus I do not have a ton of time to spend working with someone. It is time to put those myths to rest.
Mentoring does not have to be a lifetime commitment. It is great if that is what happens, but even if all you do is talk to a newer member a few times on the phone, exchange e-mails, and maybe go out for coffee or a quick lunch a couple of times you have still provided a service and made a connection.
Well, maybe I can make the time, but I am still just not worthy. Of course you are. If you have been in the profession for 5 years or so you have seen a lot. Even if you are not in management or do not supervise people you can provide insights into the profession. How did you navigate your first conference? How do you deal with unreasonable bosses/attorneys/paralegals/pro se litigants/law students? Bet you have some great war stories on how you managed to handle a tricky situation. Did it turn out badly? Pass along how you might have handled it differently.
The profession needs good people to be mentors. All you need is a love of the profession and a willingness to share information and ideas with a newer librarian. Simply fill out the mentoring form, which can be found on the CALL website under Members Information – Forms for Members and get ready to share your wisdom.