Complete, up-to-date CALL Board meeting minutes are available on the CALL website.
AALL Headquarters, 105 W. Adams St., Suite 3300
- April 10, 2018
Board Members Present: Clare Willis, Todd Ito, Joe Mitzenmacher, Scott Vanderlin, Tom Gaylord, and Annie Mentkowski
Board Members Absent: Lindsey Carpino
Guests: Incoming Director Jesse Bowman, incoming Vice President Jessie LeMar, and incoming Treasurer Julie Swanson
Treasurer’s Report Section (IV):
- Harris Bank Balance as of March 31, 2018: $24,701.75
- Net Income as of March 31, 2018: -$3,531.04
- Membership numbers as of April 16, 2018: 303
Significant Actions:
The Board approved the Strategic Planning Committee’s proposed mission statement: ”CALL supports legal information professionals through advocacy, education, and engagement.”
The Board voted to move the listserv host to the University of Chicago.
Policy: The grant recipient shall receive the full grant amount from the Treasurer as soon as the grant is awarded. If the grant recipient is unable to attend the event the recipient shall refund the full amount of the grant to CALL. If the grant has already been paid and the recipient does not use the full amount, then the recipient shall remit the unused portion.
The Board reemphasized the policy that grant recipients must pay back any funds not used for their approved purpose. The Board also reemphasized that grant recipients must submit an article to the Bulletin.