The 2016-2017 Nominations & Elections Committee was Margaret Schilt, Chair, Sally Holterhoff, Stephanie Crawford, Robert Martin, Maribel Nash.
The 2016-2017 Nominations & Elections Committee solicited nominations and conducted the election of Vice President/President Elect, Secretary and one Director for the CALL Board of Directors for 2017-2018.
A call for nominations for Vice President/President Elect, Secretary, and Director was send to the CALL membership on September 2, 2016. The deadline for submitting nominations was September 15. The Committee met by conference call and discussed the nominations received, and contacted those nominated to confirm their consent to run. The following slate of candidates was announced to the membership on October 20, 2016:
Deborah Rusin
Joseph Mitzenmacher
Annie Mentkowski
Lucy Robbins
Carolyn Hersch
Scott Vanderlin
Biography statements and pictures were added to the CALL website in November, 2016, and the slate of candidates was announced at the November 17, 2016 CALL business meeting. The CALL Board authorized the dates of the election to be February 15, 2017 to March 15, 2017. The online election was set up in December 2016, and a notice sent through the fall issue of the CALL Bulletin that additional write-in candidates could be nominated until January 1, 2017. No additional nominations were received.
The Membership Committee Chair, Therese Arado, sent a list of the membership eligible to vote in the election and the list was uploaded to the online election website by the deadline of 10 days before the election began.
The election began on February 15, 2017. A reminder to vote was sent to the membership on March 10, 2017. On March 16, the committee members individually reviewed the vote tallies and confirmed to the Chair the election results. The Chair then notified the candidates and President Todd Ito of the results on March 16, 2017.
The online election website was taken down, and the results destroyed, as the Bylaws require, within 10 days after the election.
I would like to thank my diligent and responsive Committee members for making participation in this year’s Nominations and Elections Committee a pleasure.