Tag Archives: Court Librarian Column

The After Party

Ok, so we have not had an actual party . . . yet. However, we are celebrating the completion of construction in the DuPage County Law Library! The self-help center is open and being used by our pro se patrons. We now have  six additional computers that are available to the public. The additional computers were greatly needed and are being well used. We have a new desk, the Westlaw/LexisNexis terminals have been moved, and the entryway door is now handicap accessible. Continue reading The After Party

If We Build It, Will They Come?

Photo of Juanita Harrell
Juanita Harrell

Spring is in the air and construction has begun in the DuPage County Law Library. We are adding a self-represented litigants center to the law library and will be doing a little reconfiguring. I believe we all know that if we build it, of course, they will come. They have been coming and will continue to come for help and to represent themselves. The real question is how we can serve the pro se patrons in the best way possible. There is a fine line between giving a patron useful information and giving legal advice. So far we do know that we will be open Monday through Friday during regular courthouse hours.

Continue reading If We Build It, Will They Come?