Margaret Schilt

  • CALL Position: Grants & Chapter Awards Committee, Chair, 2015-2016; CALL President, 2014-2015
  • Associate Law Librarian for User Services and Lecturer in Law at University of Chicago Law School


CALL Bylaws Committee 2017- 2018 Annual Report

There were no other committee members this year, as it was anticipated that the Committee would have very little work.  The anticipation was accurate; no amendments to the bylaws were pursued this year.  The President requested a report in November on the process for amending the bylaws.  I submitted that report on 11/8/2017, recommending that, in view of the process for approving a proposed amendment and scheduling an election, it was very late in the 2017-2018 year to propose and pass an amendment, and that a better time frame could be achieved in the 2018-2019 year.  The Committee had no further business.

Nominations & Elections Committee 2016-2017 Annual Report

The 2016-2017 Nominations & Elections Committee was Margaret Schilt, Chair, Sally Holterhoff, Stephanie Crawford, Robert Martin, Maribel Nash.

The 2016-2017 Nominations & Elections Committee solicited nominations and conducted the election of Vice President/President Elect, Secretary and one Director for the CALL Board of Directors for 2017-2018.  Continue reading Nominations & Elections Committee 2016-2017 Annual Report

TechBuzz: Report on #CALIcon16 in Atlanta

What’s the buzz?  After a hiatus, Heidi Kuehl, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, and Therese Clarke Arado are excited to be returning to the regular column scene with the re-emergence of the CALL Bulletin TechBuzz column.  The return of the column brings you a wonderful re-cap of the CALI Conference for Law School Computing by guest columnist Margaret Schilt, Associate Law Librarian for User Services, D’Angelo Law Library, University of Chicago Law School. 

Future columns will cover numerous topics of interest to law librarians, including artificial intelligence, Westlaw answers, CARA, a look at past TechBuzz topics to see if the technology or service has stood the test of time, and much more. The responses to the CALL membership survey indicated an interest in more technology related topics.  Please feel free to contact one of us with ideas you would like to see covered in the column:  Heidi Kuehl, Lyonette Louis-Jacques, and Therese Clarke Arado. Continue reading TechBuzz: Report on #CALIcon16 in Atlanta

Nominees for CALL Executive Board 2017-2018

The election for officers and directors for CALL’s 2017-2018 year will be held from February 15 to March 15. More information will come to your email closer to the election date.  In the meantime, pictures and statements of the candidates may be found here (login required). Additional nominations may be submitted in accordance with Article IX, Section 3 of Association Bylaws by January 1, 2017.

Margaret Schilt, Chair
Nominations & Elections Committee

AALL Honors CALL’s Judith Wright with 2016 Gallagher Award

CALL is thrilled to announce that Judith M. Wright, who directed the D’Angelo Law Library of the University of Chicago for over thirty years, will receive the 2016 Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award by the American Association of Law Libraries. Ms. Wright will be recognized at the AALL Annual Meeting in Chicago this summer.

Continue reading AALL Honors CALL’s Judith Wright with 2016 Gallagher Award

2015 CALL Committee Roundup

The Committee Roundup is a new CALL Bulletin featured column where all of our committees will provide a update for us each issue to let us know what they are working on. In this issue, the committees focused on their goals for the upcoming year.

Archives Committee Goals:

Co-Chairs: Therese Arado and Annie Mentkowski
Members: Sharon Nelson

  • We continue to digitize, where appropriate, CALL materials.  In addition, we are working to preserve the website. Please continue to send the Co-Chairs all materials that need to be archived. See the CALL guidelines for more details on what should be archived

Continue reading 2015 CALL Committee Roundup

President’s Letter

Dear CALL members,

This is my last letter to you as President of CALL.  At the May business meeting, I handed the gavel to Julie Pabarja, who will do an amazing job this next year as President.

It has been an exciting and productive year!  I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who volunteered their time, as committee chairs and committee members.  Together, we’ve accomplished a lot.  Just to name a few things: Continue reading President’s Letter