Spring Issue

Letter from Editors

In this final issue of the 2018-2019 CALL session, we take the time to consider our accomplishments as a community and what we hope to achieve in the 2019-2020 session. Each of our 14 committees submitted their reports. This year our committees introduced seasonal happy hours, sponsored or co-sponsored six educational presentations, relocated our archives, revised Article IV of our bylaws, and more!  Looking forward, Jessie LeMar, president of CALL, provides words of encouragement heading into the 2019-2020 session.

We also congratulate the recipients of our annual awards: Julie Pabarja, Margaret Schilt, Keith Ann Stiverson, and Chapman & Culter.

Finally, we hear from Heidi Kuehl about the AALL Day of Advocacy, and Sarah Sherman interviews Jacob Jost from the Illinois Supreme Court on recent updates to UELMA.